

诺亚七律(Sheva Mitsvot Bne NoAch)简介:

诺亚七律 不是 犹太人 的法律,犹太人 遵守的是 摩西十诫,而不是 诺亚七律。

诺亚七律 是全世界 所有国家、所有民族 都必须遵守的 法上之法、律上之律。

诺亚七律 是宪法中的宪法,不以世界各国的意志为转移。

诺亚七律,其中 6 条是 上帝 颁布给人类始祖 亚当(Adam haRishon)。

诺亚七律,其中 1 条是 上帝 颁布给人类始祖 诺亚(NoAch haTsadik)。




犹太教 存在的意义是什么?

犹太教 存在的意义就是 矫枉过正。

根据《汉语大辞典》,矫枉过正 的意思是指:纠正偏差,而超过应有的限度。


什么是 枉?

根据《汉语大辞典》, 的意思是:弯曲、错误。

全世界,因为不相信 上帝,不接受《Tora 律法书》,所以是 弯曲、错误 的。


什么是 矫枉?

矫枉 就是:首先通过 基督教、伊斯兰教 纠正世界(Tikun Olam),

然后再通过 犹太教 纠正 基督教、伊斯兰教,直到全世界都遵守 诺亚七律。


什么是 正?

就是 诺亚七律(Sheva Mitsvot Bne NoAch),包括:

【1】建立 法治社会,【2】禁止 祝福(亵渎)上帝,【3】禁止 偶像崇拜,

【4】禁止 性侵犯,【5】禁止 谋杀,【6】禁止 偷窃,【7】禁止 虐待动物。


什么是 过正?

过正 就是建立在《Tora 律法书》基础上的,数以万计的 犹太法律(Halacha)。

不但 外邦人 不愿意遵守,许多 以色列人、犹太人 也不愿意遵守。
但是,如果没有 犹太法律 的
过正,就不可能 把这个世界,

从 弯曲、错误,矫枉到 诺亚七律 这个 正道上来。




诺亚七律 看起来很简单,但是极少有人做得到。

除了 犹太教、伊斯兰教 以外,所有宗教都触犯 诺亚七律 第三条:禁止 偶像崇拜。

例如:【1】相信 以色列人/犹太人 耶稣 的宗教:基督教、天主教、东正教、摩门教。

【2】相信 古印度人/尼泊尔人 乔达摩 悉达多 的宗教:佛教。【3】其它:道教、儒教、印度教。


伊斯兰教 算不算 偶像崇拜?

根据 犹太传统,伊斯兰教 不算 偶像崇拜,但是 伊斯兰教 否认《Tora 律法书》。

因为《Tora 律法书》的作者是 上帝,所以否认《Tora 律法书》,就等于否认 上帝。

人类始祖 亚当(Adam)夏娃(Chava)也是从不听 上帝 的话,听 古蛇(Nachash)的话,开始犯罪的。

所以说,否认 上帝,就好像 偶像崇拜。


世界上所有的宗教,可以分成以下 4 类。

【1】无偶像崇拜,承认《Tora 律法书》。就是:犹太教。

【2】无偶像崇拜,否认《Tora 律法书》。就是:伊斯兰。

【3】单偶像崇拜,否认《Tora 律法书》。例如:基督教、天主教、东正教、摩门教

【4】多偶像崇拜,否认《Tora 律法书》。例如:佛教、道教、儒教、印度教,等等。




谁遵守了 诺亚七律?

世界上只有两个国家的高层领导,遵守 诺亚七律,一个是 以色列,一个是 中国。

例如:中国的国家主席 与 国务院总理 都没有违反 诺亚七律,将来肯定可以进入 来世(天堂、极乐世界)


根据《Talmud Bavli 古巴比伦 犹太法典》Sanhedrin 46a1,

偶像崇拜(Avodat Kochavim)是全方位 咒诅 上帝(YHVH)。

中国政府 因为没有 偶像崇拜,所以超越 港澳台,超越 新加坡,超越 全世界。


为什么 诺亚七律 不包括 割礼 与 安息日?

因为 上帝 在《Tora 律法书》中说:【1】男婴出生第八天 割礼(Brit Mila),

【2】每周第七天 安息日(Shabat),【3】头部与手部 纯黑 正方形 经文匣(Tefilin),

这三条命令,是 上帝 与 犹太人、以色列人 父子关系的证据(Ot),外邦人 不可以遵守。

就好像 警服、警帽、警徽 是 警察 身份的证据,普通人 不可以穿戴。




星星 与 偶像 是什么关系?

根据 犹太传统,每一个 偶像 对应天上的一颗 星星。

也就是说,天上 有多少 星星,地上 就有多少 偶像。

所以说,拜偶像 无穷无尽,这样他们就永远有借口。

如果你失败,他们就说因为还有其它 偶像 你没拜。

如果你成功,他们就说因为某一个 偶像 很灵验。



希伯来语:Akum = Oved Kochavim uMazalot / Oved Elilim / Oved Gilulim

英语:Worshipers of Stars and Lucks / Idols Worshipers / Idolaters

汉语:星星 与 运气 的 崇拜者 / 拜星者 与 求运者 / 偶像崇拜者


什么是 偶像?

除了 上帝(YHVH)是 神(El)以外,凡是具有 超能力 的事物,

无论是 天使、魔鬼、动物、植物、有机物、无机物、神造物、人造物

如果被认为是 上帝(YHVH)本身,或被认为是 神(El)本身,就是 偶像。


什么是 超能力?

超能力 就是改变 自然规律 的能力。例如:让夏天变冷,冬天变暖。

吃药、打针、动手术、物理疗法、化学疗法,可以治病,符合 自然规律,不算 超能力。

魔术师 运用人的 视觉、听觉 错误,通过特殊机关,视频剪辑,制造意外结果,符合自然规律,不算超能力。


什么是 自然规律?

可以被反复检验,条件相同,操作相同,结果相同,就是 自然规律。

例如:在一般大气压下,把纯净水加热到 100 摄氏度,就会 气化,冷冻到 0 度,就会 固化。





英语:The Seven Noahide laws

希伯来语:Sheva Mitsvot Bne NoAch


诺亚七律 是 外邦人 转换 犹太人 失败道路上的最佳解决方案。

历史上有许多 外邦人(Nochri)希望加入 犹太教,成为 犹太人(Yehudi)

但是在 转换 犹太人 的过程中,惊奇地发现 犹太教 居然有 数以万计的 犹太教规(Halacha)

当 外邦人 不情愿遵守 数以万计的 犹太教规 的时候,就会被极力推荐遵守 诺亚七律。


根据《Schottenstein Chumash》VayiKra 25:35 的注释,在下面的经文中,提到三种人:

【1】中文:同胞,希伯来文:Achicha(你的兄弟),是指:母亲是 犹太人 的 犹太人。

【2】中文:外人,希伯来文:Ger(Ger Tsedek),是指:获得 犹太人 证书的 犹太人。

【3】中文:寄居,希伯来文:Toshav(Ger Toshav),是指:遵守 诺亚七律 的 外邦人。


经文根据:《律法书,利未记 Tora VayiKra
25:35 “如果你有





遵守七律,进入天堂(Keep the Seven, Goes to Heaven)。

向全世界人,向外邦人 宣传 诺亚七律是每一个 犹太人、以色列人 的 神圣使命(Mitsva)。

企图加入 犹太教,但是 不愿意遵守 犹太教规 的 外邦人,将被劝说 遵守 诺亚七律。


根据《犹太法典 Talmud》,外邦人 无需遵守 数以万计的 犹太法律(Halacha)。

外邦人 只要遵守 诺亚七律,就可以保证将来进入 来世(Olam haBa),

犹太教 所说的 来世,就是其它宗教所说的 天堂 或 极乐世界。


根据《Talmud Bavli 古巴比伦 犹太法典》Yevamot 24b3,

在 弥赛亚时代(Yemot haMashiAch),全世界人 都希望加入 犹太教。

但是 犹太教 将关闭大门,禁止 外邦人 加入。那时,诺亚七律 将是 外邦人 的唯一选择。




根据《Talmud Bavli 古巴比伦 犹太法典》Avoda Zara 3b1,

在 弥赛亚时代,虽然全世界人都被拒绝加入 犹太教,但是 外邦人 会假装自己是 犹太人。

外邦人 会佩戴 Tefilin(经文匣 Phylacteries)在头上、手上,

外邦人 会穿 Tsitsit(四条穗子 Fringes)在衣服上,

外邦人 会安装 Mezuza(门柱经文)在家门口。


  Has it not been taught that in the days of the Messiah proselytes will not be received; likewise were none received in the days of David or of Solomon? — Well, they will be self-made proselytes, and will place phylacteries on their foreheads and on their arms, fringes in their garments, and a Mezuzah on their doorposts,




诺亚七律 是 七个大纲,不是 七条法律。

【1】书面律法 Tora 根据:《Schottenstein Chumash 法定必读经文》beReshit 11:32,

【2】犹太法典 Gemara 根据:《Talmud Bavli 古巴比伦 犹太法典》Sanhedrin 56a5,

【3】犹太法律 Halacha 根据:《Mishne Tora 第二律法书》Hilchot Melachim 9:1,




【2】Birkat haShem

【3】Avoda Zara

【4】Gilui Arayot

【5】Shefichut Damim


【7】Ever min haChai


【1】建立 法治社会

【2】禁止 祝福(亵渎)上帝

【3】禁止 偶像崇拜

【4】禁止 性侵犯

【5】禁止 谋杀

【6】禁止 偷窃

【7】禁止 虐待动物


【1】Civil Law

【2】"Blessing" the [Divine] Name


【4】Sexual Transgressions



【7】Eating a Limb torn from a Live Animal













彩虹 有七种颜色,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,分别代表 诺亚七律。

因为 彩虹 永恒不变,诺亚七律 亦然 永恒不变。上帝 与 诺亚 的后裔 立定永约,

因为 诺亚 是全世界人的祖先,所以 上帝 其实是与全世界 所有国家、所有民族 立定永约。

关键词 立约 在下面这段经文中连续出现 8 次,是《Tora 律法书》之最。重复 就是 强调,越多 越重要。


经文根据:《律法书,创世纪 Tora beReshit》

9:8 上帝晓谕挪亚和他的儿子说:9:9 “我与你们和你们的后裔立约,9:10 并与你们这里的一切活物,就是飞鸟、牲畜、走兽,凡从方舟里出来的活物立约。9:11 我与你们立约,凡有血肉的,不再被洪水灭绝,也不再有洪水毁坏地了。”9:12 上帝说:“我与你们并你们这里的各样活物所立的永约是有记号的。9:13 我把虹放在云彩中,这就可作我与地立约的记号了。9:14 我使云彩盖地的时候,必有虹现在云彩中,9:15 我便记念我与你们和各样有血肉的活物所立的约,水就再不泛滥毁坏一切有血肉的物了。9:16 虹必现在云彩中,我看见,就要记念我与地上各样有血肉的活物所立的永约。”9:17 上帝对挪亚说:“这就是我与地上一切有血肉之物立约的记号了。”




上面这段经文讲的是 大洪水,与 诺亚七律 有何关系?

上帝 发动 大洪水 淹灭 全人类,以及 地上 与 天上 的活物,是因为 人类 没有遵守 诺亚七律。

奇妙的是,为了纪念 诺亚 一家八口,中文的 船 字,就是由 舟 八 口 三个字组成的。


在 诺亚方舟 大洪水 时代,其它 动物 与 人类 全部灭亡,只有三种 生物 存活:

【1】诺亚 一家八口:包括 诺亚(NoAch)与 三个儿子(Shem Cham Yafet),还有他们的 妻子。

【2】进入 诺亚方舟 的各种 动物 与 飞鸟,包括:洁净的(Tahor)与 不洁净的(TaMe)。

【3】在 海里 生活的所有生物,例如:鱼类,包括:洁净的(Tahor)与 不洁净的(TaMe)。


经文根据:《律法书,创世纪 Tora beReshit》

7:1 永恒主对挪亚说:“你和你的全家都要进入方舟,因为在这世代中,我见你在我面前是义人
7:2 凡
7:4 因为再过七天,我要降雨在地上四十昼夜,把我所造的
7:5 挪亚就遵着永恒主所吩咐的行了。




根据《Schottenstein Chumash》beReshit 9:18 的注释,诺亚(NoAch)的 三个儿子

【1】Shem 的后裔 定居在 亚洲,成为 亚洲人。

【2】Cham 的后裔 定居在 非洲,成为 非洲人。

【3】Yafet 的后裔 定居在 欧洲,成为 欧洲人。

也就是说,全世界人,都是 诺亚子孙(Bne NoAch),都应该遵守 诺亚七律(Sheva Mitsvot Bne NoAch)。


经文根据:《律法书,创世记 Tora beReshit》

9:18 出方舟挪亚的儿子就是闪、含、雅弗。含是迦南的父亲。

9:19 这是挪亚的三个儿子,他们的后裔分散在全地


















根据《Mishne Tora 第二律法书》Shoftim,Melachim uMilchamotehem 9:1-14,

详细说明了 诺亚七律(Sheva Mitsvot Bne NoAch)的 来源 与 法理。

不说不知道,诺亚七律 并不是在 诺亚时代 (NoAch haTsadik)才设立,

而是在 人类始祖 亚当时代(Adam haRishon)就已经设立。原文网址:



【0】诺亚七律 的来源

Halacha 1
Six precepts were commanded to Adam:
a) the prohibition against worship of false gods;
b) the prohibition against cursing God;
c) the prohibition against murder;
d) the prohibition against incest and adultery;
e) the prohibition against theft;
f) the command to establish laws and courts of justice.

Even though we have received all of these commands from Moses and, furthermore, they are concepts which intellect itself tends to accept, it appears from the Torah's words that Adam was commanded concerning them.
The prohibition against eating flesh from a living animal was added for Noah, as Genesis 9:4 states: 'Nevertheless, you may not eat flesh with its life, which is its blood.' Thus there are seven mitzvot. These matters remained the same throughout the world until Abraham. When Abraham arose, in addition to these, he was commanded regarding circumcision. He also ordained the morning prayers. Isaac separated tithes and ordained an additional prayer service before sunset. Jacob added the prohibition against eating the sciatic nerve. He also ordained the evening prayers. In Egypt, Amram was commanded regarding other mitzvot. Ultimately, Moses came and the Torah was completed by him.

【1】禁止 偶像崇拜

Halacha 2
A gentile who
worships false gods is liable provided he worships them in an accepted manner. A gentile is executed for every type of foreign worship which a Jewish court would consider worthy of capital punishment. However, a gentile is not executed for a type of foreign worship which a Jewish court would not deem worthy of capital punishment. Nevertheless, even though a gentile will not be executed for these forms of worship, he is forbidden to engage in all of them. We should not allow them to erect a monument, or to plant an Asherah, or to make images and the like even though they are only for the sake of beauty.

【2】禁止 诅咒 上帝

Halacha 3
A gentile who
curses God's Name, whether he uses God's unique name or one of His other names, in any language, is liable. This law does not apply with regard to Jews.

【3】禁止 谋杀

Halacha 4
A gentile who
slays any soul, even a fetus in its mother's womb, should be executed in retribution for its death. Similarly, if he slew a person who would have otherwise died in the near future, placed a person before a lion, or starved a person to death, he should be executed for through one manner or other, he killed. Similarly, one should be executed if he killed a pursuer when he could have saved the latter's potential victim by maiming one of the pursuer's limbs. These laws do not apply with regard to Jews.

【4】禁止 性侵犯

Halacha 5
There are six illicit sexual relations forbidden to a gentile:
a) his mother; b) his father's wife; c) a married woman; d) his maternal sister; e) a male; f) an animal. These prohibitions are derived from the verse Genesis 2:24: 'Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife and they shall become one flesh.' 'His father' - alludes to his father's wife; 'his mother' - is to be understood simply; 'cling to his wife' - and not his colleague's wife; 'his wife' - and not a male; 'They shall become one flesh' - this excludes a domesticated animal, beast, or fowl for man can never become 'one flesh' with them. The prohibition against relations with a maternal sister is derived from the verse Genesis 20:13: 'She is my sister, my father's daughter, but not my mother's. Thus, she became my wife.'

Halacha 6
A gentile is liable for relations with his mother even though she was seduced or raped by his father and never married to him. She is, nevertheless, his mother. He is liable for relations with his father's wife even after his father's death. He is liable for relations with a male whether a minor or an adult and with an animal whether young or old. In the latter instance, the gentile alone is executed and not the animal. We are only commanded to kill an animal with which a Jew engaged in relations.

Halacha 7
A gentile is not executed for
adultery with his colleague's wife unless they engage in relations in the normal manner after she had engaged in relations with her husband at least once. However, if she was merely consecrated or had undergone a wedding ceremony, but had never engaged in relations with her husband, one is not liable for engaging in relations with her, as Genesis 20:3 states: 'For she has been possessed by her husband.' When does the above apply? When a gentile engages in relations with a gentile woman. However, a gentile who engages in relations with a married Jewess is liable whether their relations were carried out in a normal or abnormal manner. Similarly, a gentile who engages in relations with a Jewish maiden who has been consecrated is stoned to death because of her as is the law regarding Jews. If he engages in relations with her after she has undergone the wedding ceremony, but has not engaged in relations with her husband, he is strangled to death as is the Jewish law. However, if he engages in relations with a Jewish woman after she engaged in relations with her husband once, he is sentenced to be executed by decapitation as if he had engaged in relations with a gentile woman.

Halacha 8
A gentile who singles out one of his maid-servants for one of his slaves and, afterwards, engages in relations with her is executed because of her for violation of the prohibition against
adultery. However, he is not liable for relations with her until the matter has become public knowledge and everyone refers to her as 'the wife of X, the slave.' When do relations with her become permitted again? When he separates her from his slave and uncovers her hair in the market-place. When is a gentile woman considered divorced? When her husband removes her from his home and sends her on her own or when she leaves his domain and goes her own way. They have no written divorce proceedings. The matter is not dependant on the man's volition alone. Whenever he or she decide to separate, they may and then, are no longer considered as married.

【5】禁止 偷窃

Halacha 9
A gentile is liable for violating the prohibition against
theft whether he stole from another gentile or from a Jew. This applies to one who forcefully robs an individual or steals money, a kidnapper, an employer who withholds his worker's wages and the like, even a worker who eats from his employer's produce when he is not working. In all such cases, he is liable and is considered as a robber. With regard to Jews, the law is different. Similarly, a gentile is liable for stealing an object worth less than a p'rutah. Thus, if one gentile stole an object worth less than a p'rutah and another gentile stole it from him, they are both executed because of it.

【6】禁止 虐待动物

Halacha 10
Similarly, a gentile is liable for violating the prohibition against
eating a limb or flesh from a living creature. This applies regardless of the amount involved, for the specification of minimum amounts only applies to Jews. A gentile is permitted blood from a living creature.

Halacha 11
The prohibition applies to a limb or flesh that is separated from either a domesticated animal or a beast. However, it appears to me that a gentile is not executed for eating a limb taken from a living bird.

Halacha 12
Though one slaughters an animal, even if one severs the two signs that distinguish it as having been slaughtered in a kosher manner, as long as the animal moves convulsively, the limbs and meat which are separated from it are forbidden to a gentile because of the prohibition against a
limb from a living creature.

Halacha 13
All prohibitions that apply to a Jew regarding a
limb from a living creature also apply to gentiles. Furthermore, there are instances where a gentile would be held liable and a Jew will not for a gentile is liable for a limb or flesh from a living creature whether from a domesticated animal or a beast, whether from a kosher or non-kosher species. Similarly, a gentile is forbidden to partake of a limb from a living creature for a limb or flesh which is separated from an animal that is moving convulsively even though a Jew has already severed the two signs.

【7】建立 法治社会

Halacha 14
How must the gentiles fulfill the commandment to
establish laws and courts? They are obligated to set up judges and magistrates in every major city to render judgement concerning these six mitzvot and to admonish the people regarding their observance. A gentile who transgresses these seven commands shall be executed by decapitation. For this reason, all the inhabitants of Shechem were obligated to die. Shechem kidnapped. They observed and were aware of his deeds, but did not judge him. A gentile is executed on the basis of the testimony of one witness and the verdict of a single judge. No warning is required. Relatives may serve as witnesses. However, a woman may not serve as a witness or a judge for them.

