





什么是 Agada?

Agada 是 犹太学院(Yeshiva)必修课程之一。

Agada 包括 书面故事(圣经故事)与 口传故事。




书面故事(圣经故事)Agada shebiChetav

例一:《圣著集,路得记 Ktuvim Rut》是每年 ShavuOt(七七节)法定必读的 Agada。



例二:《圣著集,以斯帖记 Ktuvim Ester》是每年 Purim(狂欢节)法定必读的 Agada。



口传故事 Agada shebAl Pe

在《Talmud 犹太法典》与《Midrash 圣经补充》中,有大量的 Agada。





左图《Hagada shel Pesach 逾越节 故事书》

是每年 Pesach(逾越节)第一天晚宴,法定必读的 Agada(故事书)。

在《Machzor Pesach 逾越节 祈祷书》中,也可以找到。




通过 Chabad 网站,可以免费 阅读、学习、打印。





下面的 犹太故事(Agada),关于 Rabi Akiva,

来自《Talmud Bavli 古巴比伦 犹太法典》Ketubot 62b3-63a1。

Moshe(摩西)有 600,000 犹太学生,Rabi Akiva 有 24,000 犹太学生。


  R. Akiba was a shepherd of Ben Kalba Sabua. The latter's daughter. seeing how modest and noble [the shepherd] was, said to him, ‘Were I to be betrothed to you. would you go away to [study at] an academy?’ ‘Yes’, he replied. She was then secretly betrothed to him and sent him away. When her father heard [what she had done] he drove her from his house and forbade her by a vow to have any benefit from his estate. [R. Akiba] departed. and spent twelve years at the academy. When he returned home he brought with him twelve thousand disciples. [While in his home town] he heard an old man saying to her, ‘How long will you lead the life of a living widowhood?’ ‘If he would listen to me,’ she replied. ‘he would spend [in study] another twelve years’. Said [R. Akiba]: ‘It is then with her consent that I am acting’. and he departed again and spent another twelve years at the academy. When he finally returned he brought with him twenty-four thousand disciples. His wife heard [of his arrival] and went out to meet him, when her neighbours said to her, ‘Borrow some respectable clothes and put them on’, but she replied: A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast. On approaching him she fell upon her face and kissed his feet. His attendants were about to thrust her aside, when [R. Akiba] cried to them, ‘Leave her alone, mine and yours are hers’. Her father, on hearing that a great man had come to the town, said, ‘I shall go to him; perchance he will invalidate my vow’, When he came to him [R. Akiba] asked, ‘Would you have made your vow if you had known that he was a great man?’ ‘[Had he known]’ the other replied. ‘even one chapter or even one Single halachah [I would not have made the vow]’. He then said to him, ‘I am the man’. The other fell upon his face and kissed his feet and also gave him half of his wealth. The daughter of R. Akiba acted in a similar way towards Ben Azzai. This is indeed an illustration of the proverb: ‘Ewe follows ewe; a daughter's acts are like those of her mother.’




左图:《Stories of the Baal Shem Tov 好名大师 故事集》五本套装



简介:Baal Shem Tov(好名大师)是 Chasidim(敬虔派)创始人,

Chabad(哈巴德 运动)是 Chasidim 八大教派 其中一支。

所以说,不了解 Baal Shem Tov 就不可能了解 Chabad。




左图:《Tales Of Tzaddikim 犹太义人 故事集》五本套装


按照《haTora 摩西五经》每周分段 Parasha 排序。





左图:《Alenu leShabeAch 我们义不容辞 首当赞美

Aleinu L'Shabei'ach - 5 volume Slipcased set
stories, and inspiration



这套书的书名是《Sidur 祈祷书》结束祷文 的开头。

英语:It is our duty to praise the Master of all.

希伯来语:Alenu leShabeAch laAdon haKol.

汉语:我们义不容辞 首当赞美 万物 之主。



  Aleinu L'Shabei'ach includes a stunning range of stories, based on pesukim from each parashah. From the study halls of Europe to a rebbetzin's kitchen; from a road rage attack in Bnei Brak to the Chasam Sofer's visit to the Queen of Austria; here are stories that both pique the imagination and bring us new understanding of the messages that the Torah has come to teach. But Aleinu L'Shabei'ach is far more than a storybook. Its explanations of the verses are profound and yet readable, shedding new light on the meaning of each word of the Torah. Every story, every moral teaching, is infused with emunah and bitachon.




左图:《A Story A Day 每天一故事》六本套装。

Stories for every day of the Jewish calendar.

按 犹太历 某月某日排序,每天一个故事。








《Stories My Grandfather Told Me》


但是如果不懂 犹太传统、犹太法律,





按照《haTora 摩西五经》

每周分段 Parasha 排序。


